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Project-related publications from DynaTrait members


Matthiessen, B., Hattich, G.S.I., Pulina, S., Hansen, T., Reusch, T.B.H. and Hamer, J. (2025), Phytoplankton mean cell size and total biomass increase with nutrients are driven by both species composition and evolution of plasticity. Oikos, 2025: e10910.


Flöder, S., T. Klauschies, M. Klaassen, T. Stoffers, M. Lambrecht, and S. Moorthi. 2024. Competition between mixo- and heterotrophic ciliates under dynamic resource supply. Ecosphere 15:e4950.

Grossowicz, M. and Pahlow, M. (2024). Zooplankton seasonal vertical migration in an optimality-based plankton ecosystem model. J. Plankton Res. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbae016. In press.

Möller, F.-M., S. Flöder, G. Di Giuseppe, and S. Devi Moorthi. 2024. Resource supply and intraspecific variation in inducible defense determine predator–prey interactions in an intraguild predation food web. European Journal of Protistology 95:126114.

Titocci J, Fink P (2024) Disturbance alters phytoplankton functional traits and consequently drives changes in zooplankton life-history traits and lipid composition. Hydrobiologia 851: 161-180.  Link

Wojcik, L.A., T. Klauschies, E. van Velzen, C. Guill & U. Gaedke (2024) Integrating different facets of diversity into food web models: how adaptation among and within functional groups shape ecosystem functioning. Oikos e10544


Adje G, Wojcik LA, Gaedke U (2023) Functional diversity increases the resistance of a tritrophic food web to environmental changes. Theor Ecol. 16: 131-150.  Link

De la Cruz Barron M, van Velzen E, Klümper U, Weitere M, Berendonk TU, Kneis D (2023) Shifts from cooperative to individual-based predation defense determine microbial predator-prey dynamics. The ISME Journal: 1-11. Link

Hattich GSI, Listmann L, Havenhand J, Reusch TBH, Matthiessen B (2023) Temporal variation in ecological and evolutionary contributions to phytoplankton functional shifts. Limnology and Oceanography 68: 297-306. Link

Ilić M, Walden S, Hammerstein SK, Stockenreiter M, Stibor H, Fink P (2023) Pigment and fluorescence proxies to estimate functional diversity  of phytoplankton communities. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (in press). Link

Li X, Klauschies T, Yang W, Yang Z, Gaedke U (2023) Trait adaptation enhances species coexistence and reduces bistability in an intraguild predation module. Ecol. Evol. 13:e9749. Link

van Velzen E, Gaedke U(2023) Back to the drawing board: re-thinking growth-defense trade-offs. Oikos 2023: e09918. Link


Acevedo-Trejos E, Cadier M, Chakraborty S, Chen B, Cheung SY, Grigoratou, Guill C, Hassenrück C, Kerimoglu O, Klauschies T, Lindemann C, Palacz A, Ryabov A, Scotti M, Smith S. L, Våge S, Prowe F (2022) Modelling approaches for capturing plankton diversity (MODIV), their societal applications and data needs. Frontiers in Marine Science 9. Link  

Ehrlich E, Thygesen UH, Kiørboe T (2022) Evolution of toxins as a public good in phytoplankton. Proc. R. Soc. B 289:20220393. Link

Grigoratou M. et al (2022) The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Plankton Workshops: Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting—Research Requirements and Applications. Limnology and Oceanography 31 (1): 22-26. Link 

Hamer J, Matthiessen B, Pulina S, Hattich GSI (2022) Maintenance of Intraspecific Diversity in Response to Species Competition and Nutrient Fluctuations. Microorganisms 10(1):113. Link

Hattich GSI, Listmann L, Govaert L, Pansch C, Reusch TBH, Matthiessen B (2022) Experimentally decomposing phytoplankton community change into ecological and evolutionary contributions. Functional Ecology 36(1):120. Link

Hermann RJ, Becks (2022) Change in prey genotype frequency rescues predator from extinction R. Soc. open sci. 9:220211. 220211. Link  

Hillebrand, H., Acevedo-Trejos, E., Moorthi, S.D., Ryabov, A., Striebel, M., Thomas, P.K., and Schneider, M.-L. (2022) Cell size as driver and sentinel of phytoplankton community structure and functioning. Functional Ecology 36, 276-293. Link

Kath NJ, Gaedke U, van Velzen E(2022) The double‑edged sword of inducible defences: costs and benefits of maladaptive switching from the individual to the community level, Scientific Reports. Link

Klauschies T, Isanta-Navarro J (2022) The joint effects of salt and 6PPD contamination on a freshwater herbivore. Science of the Total Environment 829: 154675. Link

Isanta Navarro J, Klauschies T, Wacker A, Martin-Creuzburg D (2022) A sterol-mediated gleaner-opportunist trade-off underlies the evolution of grazer resistance to cyanobacteria. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Link

Pietsch T, F Nitsche, H Arndt (2022) High molecular diversity in the functional group of small bacterivorous non-scaled chrysomonad flagellates. European Journal of Protistology 86: 125915. Link

Thomas P K, Kunze C, Van De Waal DB, Hillebrand H, Striebel M (2022) Elemental and biochemical nutrient limitation of zooplankton: A meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 25 (12): 2776-2792. Link

Titocci J, Bon M, Fink P (2022) Morpho-functional traits reveal differences in size fractionated phytoplankton communities but do not significantly affect zooplankton grazing Microorganisms 10(1):182. Link

Titocci J, Fink P (2022) Food quality impacts on reproductive traits, development and fatty acid composition of the freshwater calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus sp. Journal of Plankton Research: (in press). Link

Thongthaisong P, Kasada M, Grossart H-P, Wollrab S (2022) Critical role of parasite-mediated trophic interactions for energy flow and community dynamics. Ecology and Evolution 12(12): e9622.  Link

Van Velzen E,  Gaedke U, Klauschies T (2022) Quantifying the capacity for contemporary trait changes to drive intermittent predator-prey cycles. Ecol. Monogr. e1505. Link

Villalba LA, Karnatak R, Grossart H-P, Wollrab S (2022) Flexible habitat choice drives success of opposing bacterial lifestyles in predator-prey systems affecting energy flow through the microbial loop. Limnol. Oceanogr. 67 (6): 1402-1415. Link

Villalba LA, Kasada M, Zoccarato L, Wollrab S & HP Grossart (2022) Differing escape responses of the marine bacterium Marinobacter adhaerens in the presence of planktonic vs. surface-associated protist grazers. Molecular Biology and Evolution 23(2022)17: 10082. Link

Werner J, Pietsch T, Hilker F M, Arndt H (2022) Intrinsic nonlinear dynamics drive single-species systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119(44): e2209601119. Link


Bernardes JP, John U, Woltermann N, Valiadi M, Hermann R, Becks L (2021) The evolution of convex trade-offs enables the transition towards multicellularity. Nature Communications 12: 4222. Link

Ceulemans R, Guill C, Gaedke U (2021) Top predators govern multitrophic diversity effects in tritrophic food webs. Ecology 102(7). Link

Charalampous E, Matthiessen B, Sommer U (2021) Grazing induced shifts in phytoplankton cell size explain the community response to nutrient supply. Microorganisms, 9, 2440. Link

Flöder S,  Yong J, Klauschies T, Gaedke U, Brinkhoff T, Poprick T, Moorthi S (2021) Intraspecific Trait Variation Alters the Outcome of Competition in Freshwater Ciliates. Ecol. Evol.11: 10225–10243. Link

Gerhard M, Mori C, Striebel M (2021) Nonrandom species loss in phytoplankton communities and its effect on ecosystem functioning. Limnology and Oceanography. Link

C. Guill, Huelsemann J, Klauschies T (2021) Self-organized pattern formation increases local diversity in metacommunities. Ecology Letters 24 (12): 2624-2634. Link

Groß E, Boersma M, Meunier CL (2021) Environmental impacts on single-cell variation within a ubiquitous diatom: The role of growth rate. PLoS ONE 16: e0251213. Link

Grossart HP, Hassan EA, Masigol H, Arias-Andres M, Rojas-Jimenez K (2021) Inland Water Fungi in the Anthropocene: Current and Future Perspectives. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd edition. Link

Hattich GSI, Listmann L, Govaert L, Pansch C, Reusch TBH, Matthiessen B (2021) Experimentally decomposing phytoplankton community change into ecological and evolutionary contributions, Functional Ecology. Link

Herstoff EM, Meunier CL, Boersma M, Baines SB (2021) Leveraging differences in multiple prey traits allows selective copepods to meet their threshold elemental ratios. Limnology and Oceanography 66:2914-2922. Link

Hillebrand H, Acevedo Trejos E, Moorthi SD, Ryabov A, Striebel A, Thomas P, Schneider M-L (2021) Cell size as driver and sentinel of phytoplankton community structure and functioning. Functional Ecology 36: 276–293 Link

Ilic M, Cordellier M, Fink P (2021) Intrapopulation variability in a functional trait: Susceptibility ofDaphniato limitation by dietary fatty acids. Freshwater Biology 66 (1): 130-141. Link

Klawonn I, Van den Wyngaert S, Parada AE, Arandia-Gorostidi N, Whitehouse MJ, Grossart HP,  Dekas AE (2021) Characterizing the “fungal shunt”: Parasitic fungi on diatoms affect carbon flow and bacterial communities in aquatic microbial food webs. PNAS 118 (23): e2102225118. Link

Li X, Yang W, Gaedke U, de Ruiter PC (2021) Energetic constraints imposed on trophic interaction strengths enhance resilience in empirical and model food webs J. Animal Ecol. 90: 2065-2076. Link

Rojas-Jimenez K, Araya-Lobo A, Quesada-Perez F, Akerman-Sanchez J, Delgado-Duran B, Ganzert L, Zavialov PO, Alymkulov S, Kirillin G, Grossart HP (2021) Variation of bacterial communities along the vertical gradient in Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan. Environ. Microbiol. R. 13(3), 337–347. Link

Ryabov A, Kerimoglu O, Litchman E, Olenina I, Roselli L, Basset A, Stanca E, Blasius B (2021) Shape matters: the relationship between cell geometry and diversity in phytoplankton. Ecology Letters 24: 847-61. Link

Stockenreiter M, Isanta Navarro J, Buchberger F, Stibor H (2021) Community shifts from eukaryote to cyanobacteria dominated phytoplankton: The role of mixing depth and light quality.  Freshwater Biology 66(11): 2145-2157. Link

Wan W, HP Grossart, D He, W Yuan,  Y Yang (2021) Stronger environmental adaptation of rare rather than abundant bacterioplankton in response to dredging in eutrophic Lake Nanhu (Wuhan, China), Water Research 190: 116751. Link

Wojcik LA, Ceulemans R, Gaedke U (2021) Functional diversity buffers the effects of a pulse perturbation on the dynamics of tritrophic food webs. Ecol. & Evol.11: 15639–15663. Link


Blasius B, Rudolf L, Weithoff G, Gaedke U, Fussmann G (2020) Long-term cyclic persistence in an experimental predator-prey system. Nature 577: 226-230. Link

Buchberger F, Stibor H, Neusius D, Nickelsen J, Stockenreiter M (2020) Transgenic and cell wall-deficient Chlamydomonas reinhardtii food affects life history of Daphnia magna. Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (1): 319-328. Link

Burberg C, Petzoldt T, von Elert E (2020) Phosphate limitation increases content of protease inhibitors in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Toxins 12: 33. Link.

Chien C-T, Pahlow M, Schartau M, Oschlies A (2020) Optimality-based non-Redfield plankton–ecosystem model (OPEM v1.1) in UVic-ESCM 2.9 – Part 2: Sensitivity analysis and model calibration. Geoscientific Model Development 13: 4691-4712. Link

Ehrlich E, Gaedke U (2020) Coupled changes in traits and biomasses cascading through a tritrophic plankton food web. Limnology and Oceanography 65: 2502-2514. Link

Ehrlich E, Kath NJ, Gaedke U (2020) The shape of a defense-growth trade-off governs seasonal trait dynamics in natural phytoplankton. ISME Journal. Link

Frank F, Danger M, Hillebrand H, Striebel M (2020) Stoichiometric constraints on phytoplankton resource use efficiency in monocultures and mixtures. Limnology and Oceanography. Link

Grossart HP, Massana R, McMahon KD, Walsh DA (2020) Linking metagenomics to aquatic microbial ecology and biogeochemical cycles. Limnol. Oceanogr. 65, S2-S20.

Grossart HP, Van den Wyngaert S, Kagami M, Wurzbacher C, Cunliffe M, Rojas-Jimenez K (2020) Pilze in aquatischen Ökosystemen. Grundlagen aus der allgemeinen Limnologie Pilze in aquatischen Ökosystemen I-V 9.5. Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie – 35. Erg. Lfg. 01/20.

Ilić M, Cordellier M, Fink P (2020) Intrapopulation variability in a functional trait: Susceptibility of Daphnia to limitation by dietary fatty acids. Frshwater Biology. Link

Klauschies T, Gaedke U (2020) Nutrient retention by predators undermines predator coexistence on one prey. Theoret Ecol. 13, 183-208. Link

Listmann L, Hattich GSI, Matthiessen B, Reusch TBH (2020) Eco-Evolutionary Interaction in Competing Phytoplankton: Nutrient Driven Genotype Sorting Likely Explains Dominance Shift and Species Responses to CO2. Frontiers in Marine Science: 7. Link

Mi C, Shatwell T, Ma J, Wentzky VC, Boehrer B, Xu Y, Rinke K (2020) The formation of a metalimnetic oxygen minimum exemplifies how ecosystem dynamics shape biogeochemical processes: A modelling study. Water Research 175: 115701. Link

Pahlow M, Chien C-T, Arteaga LA, Oschlies A (2020) Optimality-based non-Redfield plankton–ecosystem model (OPEM v1.1) in UVic-ESCM 2.9 – Part 1: Implementation and model behaviour. Geoscientific Model Development 13: 4663-4690. Link

Schaelicke S, Heim S, Martin-Creuzburg D, Wacker A (2020) Inter- and intraspecific differences in rotifer fatty acid composition during acclimation to low quality food. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375(1804): 20190644. Link

Trogant S, Becker K, Schweinsberg M, Ioannidou I, Tollrian R, Weiss LC (2020) Simple morphology-based species identification in Euplotes spp. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. / Arch. Hydrobiol. 193 (3): 205 – 211. Link

Van Velzen E (2020) Predator coexistence through emergent fitness equalization. Ecology 101: e02995.

Weitere M, Brauns M, Rinke K, Borchardt D, Wentzky V (2020) Wasserqualität und Biodiversität: eine enge wechselseitige Beziehung. - In: Spreen D, Kandarr J (Eds.), Biodiversität im Meer und an Land. Vom Wert biologischer Vielfalt, Potsdam : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 54-57. Link

Wentzky VC, Tittel J, Jäger CG, Bruggeman J, Rinke K (2020) Seasonal succession of functional traits in phytoplankton communities and their interaction with trophic state. Journal of Ecology 108: 1649-1663. Link


Beisser D, C Bock, MW Hahn, M Vos, B Sures, S Rahmann, J Boenigk (2019) Interaction-specific changes in the transcriptome of Polynucleobacter asymbioticus caused by varying protistan communities. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 1498. Link

Buchberger F, Stibor H, Neusius D, Nickelsen J, Stockenreiter M (2019) Transgenic and cell wall-deficient Chlamydomonas reinhardtii food affects life history of Daphnia magna. J Appl Phycol. Link

Burberg C, Ilić M, Petzoldt T, von Elert E (2019) Nitrate determines growth and protease inhibitor content of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. J Appl Phycol 31:1697-1707. Link

Carey JC, Jankowski K, Julian PI, Sethna LR, Thomas PK, Rohweder J (2019) Exploring silica stoichiometry on a large floodplain riverscape. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 346. Link

Ceulemans R, Gaedke U, Klauschies T, Guill C (2019) The effects of functional diversity on biomass production, variability, and resilience of ecosystem functions in a tritrophic system, Scientific Reports 9: 7541. Link

Gerhard M, Koussoroplis AM, Hillebrand H, Striebel M (2019) Phytoplankton community responses to temperature fluctuations under different nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry. Ecology 100 (11): e02834. Link

Grossart HP, Van den Wyngaert S, Kagami M, Wurzbacher C, Cunliffe M, Rojas-Jimenez K (2019) Fungi in aquatic ecosystems. Nature Reviews Microbiology 17 (6), 339-354. Link

Hodapp D, Hillebrand H, Striebel M (2019) “Unifying” the concept of resource use efficiency in ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Link

Koussoroplis AM, Klauschies T, Pincebourde S, Giron D, Wacker A  (2019) A comment on "Variability in plant nutrients reduces insect herbivore Performance". Rethinking Ecology 4: 79-87. Link

Ilić M, Werner C, Fink P (2019) Equal relevance of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids for the fitness of Daphnia spp, Limnology and Oceanography 64 (6): 2512-2525. Link

Mi C, Sadeghian A, Lindenschmidt K-E, Rinke K (2019) Variable withdrawal elevations as a management tool to counter the effects of climate warming in Germany's largest drinking water reservoir. Environmental Sciences Europe 31:19. Link

Mittler U, Blasius B, Gaedke U, Ryabov AB (2019) Length–volume relationship of lake phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 17: 58-68. Link

Prowe AEF, Visser AW, Andersen KH, Chiba S, Kiørboe T (2019) Biogeography of zooplankton feeding strategy. Limnology and Oceanography 64: 661-678. Link

Raatz M, van Velzen E, Gaedke U (2019) Co-adaptation impacts robustness of predator-prey dynamics against perturbations. Ecol. Evol. 9: 3823-3836. Link

Rosenbaum B, Raatz M, Fussmann GF, Weithoff G, Gaedke U (2019) Estimating parameters from multiple time series of population dynamics using Bayesian inference. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: 234. Link

Schaelicke S,  Teubner J, Martin-Creuzburg D, Wacker A (2019) Fitness response variation within and among consumer species can be co-mediated by food quantity and biochemical quality. Scientific Reports 9:16126. Link

Schaelicke S, Sobisch L-Y, Martin-Creuzburg D, Wacker A (2019) Food quantity-quality co-limitation: Interactive effects of dietary carbon and essential lipid supply on population growth of a freshwater rotifer. Freshwater Biology 64(5): 903-912. Link

Stockenreiter M, Litchman E (2019) Nitrogen-fixer enhances lipid yields in algal polycultures, Algal Research 44. Link

Taherzadeh N, M Bengfort, KW Wirtz (2019) A trait-based framework for explaining non-additive effects of multiple stressors on plankton communities. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:351. Link

Trommer G, Lorenz P, Lentz A, Fink P, Stibor H (2019) Nitrogen enrichment leads to changing fatty acid composition in phytoplankton and negatively affects zooplankton in a lake community, Scientific Reports 9, Article number 16805. Link

Weyhenmeyer GA, ...Wentzky V,... , Flaim G (2019) Widespread diminishing anthropogenic effects on calcium in freshwaters. Scientific reports 9(1): 1-10. Link

Wentzky VC, Frassl MA, Rinke K, Boehrer B (2019) Metalimnetic oxygen minimum and the presence of Planktothrix rubescens in a low-nutrient drinking water reservoir. Water research 148: 208-218. Link

Windisch HS, Fink P (2019) Transcriptome sequencing of a keystone aquatic herbivore yields insights on the temperature-dependent metabolism of essential lipids, BMC Genomics 20: 894. Link

Yamamichi M, Klauschies T, Miner BE, van Velzen E (2019) Modelling inducible defences in predator–prey interactions: assumptions and dynamical consequences of three distinct approaches, Ecology Letters, 22(2):390-404. Link


Acevedo-Trejos E, Marañón E, Merico A (2018) Phytoplankton size diversity and ecosystem function relationships across oceanic regions. Proc. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci.: 285. Link

Brandenburg KM, S Wohlrab, U John, A Kremp, J Jerney, B Krock, DB van de Waal (2018) Intraspecific trait variation and trade-offs within and across populations of a toxic dinoflagellate. Ecology Letters 21: 1561-1571.  Link  

Charalampous E, Matthiessen B, Sommer U (2018) Light effects on phytoplankton morphometric traits influence nutrient utilization ability. Journal of Plankton Research 40 (5): 568–579. Link

Ehrlich E, Gaedke U (2018) Not attackable or not crackable - How pre- and post-attack defenses with different competition costs affect prey coexistence and population dynamics", Ecology and Evolution 8 (13): 6625-6637.  online open access: Link

Flöder S, Bromann L, Moorthi S (2018) Inter- and intraspecific consumer trait variations determine consumer diversity effects in multispecies predator-prey systems. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 81(3): 243-256. Link

Kath NJ, A Boit, C Guill, Gaedke U (2018) Accounting for activity respiration results in realistic trophic transfer efficiencies in allometric trophic network (ATN) models. Theoretical Ecology, 1-11. Link

Kerimoglu O, Große F, Kreus M, Lenhart HJ, Beusekom van JEE (2018) A model-based projection of historical state of a coastal ecosystem: relevance of phytoplankton stoichiometry. Science of the Total Environment 639, 1311-1323. Link

Klauschies T, Coutinho RM, Gaedke U (2018) A beta distribution-based moment closure enhances the reliability of trait-based aggregate models for natural communities. Ecol. Modelling 381: 46-77. Link

Mi C, Frassl MA, Boehrer B, Rinke K (2018) Episodic wind events induce persistent shifts in the thermal stratification of a reservoir (Rappbode Reservoir, Germany). International Review of Hydrobiology 103: 71-82. Link

Peeters F, Straile D (2018) Trait selection and co-existence of phytoplankton in partially mixed systems: Trait based modelling and potential of an aggregated approach. PLosONE. 13(3): e0194076. Link

Raatz M, S Schaelicke, M Sieber, A Wacker, Gaedke U (2018) One man's trash is another man's treasure-the effect of bacteria on phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions in chemostat systems, Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods 16:629-639. Link

Su B, Pahlow M, Prowe AEF (2018) The role of microzooplankton trophic interactions in modelling a suite of mesocosm ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 368: 169-179. Link

Theodosiou L, Hiltunen T,  Becks L (2018) The role of stressors in altering eco‐evolutionary dynamics, Functional Ecology. Link

Tsakalakis I, Pahlow M, Oschlies A, Blasius B, Ryabov AB (2018) Diel light cycle as a key factor for modelling phytoplankton biogeography and diversity. Ecological Modelling. 384: 241-8. Link

Van Velzen E,  Gaedke U (2018) Reversed predator-prey cycles are driven by the amplitude of prey oscillations. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6317–6329. Link

Van Velzen E, Thieser T, Berendonk T, Weitere M, Gaedke U (2018) Inducible defense destabilizes predator-prey dynamics: the importance of multiple predators. Oikos. 00:1-12. Link

Wentzky VC, Tittel J, Jäger CG, Rinke K (2018) Mechanisms preventing a decrease in phytoplankton biomass after phosphorus reductions in a German drinking water reservoir—results from more than 50 years of observation. Freshwater Biology 63(9): 1063-1076. Link


Beisser D, Graupner N, Bock C, Wodniok S, Grossmann L, Vos M, Sures B, Rahmann S, Boenigk J. (2017) Comprehensive transcriptome analysis provides new insights into nutritional strategies and phylogenetic relationships of chrysophytes. PeerJ 5:e2832. Link

Beisser D, Kaschani F, Graupner N, Grossmann L, Jensen M, Ninck S, Schulz F, Rahmann S, Boenigk J, Kaiser M (2017) Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Ecophysiological Effects of Light and Silver Stress on the Mixotrophic Protist Poterioochromonas malhamensis. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0168183. Link

Bengfort M, van Velzen E, Gaedke U (2017) Slight phenotypic variation in predators and prey causes complex predator-prey oscillations. Ecol. Complexity 31: 115-124. Link

Ehrlich E, Becks L, Gaedke U (2017) Trait-fitness relationships determine how trade-off shapes affect species coexistence. Ecology 98: 3188-3198. Link

Gaedke U, Klauschies T (2017) Analysing the shape of observed trait distributions enables a data-based moment closure of aggregate models. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. early view, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10218. Link

Gall A, Übel U, Ebensen U, Hillebrand H, Meier S, Singer G, Wacker A, Striebel M (2017) Planktotrons: A highly controlled indoor mesocosm facility for aquatic biodiversity and food web research. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15 (7): 663-677. Link

Hammerstein S, Stockenreiter M, Stibor H (2017) Directed diversity manipulations within natural phytoplankton communities. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15 (7) 653-662. Link.

Hattich GSI, Listmann L, Raab J, Ozod-Seradj D, Reusch TBH, Matthiessen B (2017) Inter- and intraspecific phenotypic plasticity of three phytoplankton species in response to ocean acidification. Biol. Lett. 13: 20160774. Link

Kerimoglu O, Hofmeister R, Maerz J, Riethmüller R, Wirtz KW (2017) The acclimative biogeochemical model of the southern North Sea. Biogeosciences, 14, 4499-4531. Link

Kerimoglu O, Jacquet S, Vinçon-Leite B, Lemaire BJ, Rimet F, Soulignac F, Trévisan D, and Anneville O (2017) Modelling seasonal and inter-annual variation of plankton groups in Lake Bourget. Ecological Modelling, 359, 415-433. Link

Raatz M, Gaedke U, Wacker A (2017) High food quality of prey lowers its risk of extinction. Oikos 126 (10): 1501-1510.  Link

Ruiter PC de, Gaedke U (2017) Emergent facilitation promotes biological diversity in pelagic food webs. Food Webs 10:15-21. Link

Seiler C, van Velzen E, Neu T, Gaedke U, Berendonk T, Weitere M (2017) Grazing resistance of bacterial biofilms: A matter of predators' feeding trait. Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) Microbiology Ecology 93(9): fix112. Link

Sommer U, E Charalampous, S Genitsaris, M Moustaka-Gouni (2017) Journal of Plant Research 39: 494-508. Link

Taherzadeh N, Kerimoglu O, Wirtz KW (2017) Can we predict phytoplankton community size structure using size scalings of eco-physiological traits? Ecological Modelling 360: 279-289. Link

van Velzen E, Gaedke U (2017) Disentangling eco-evolutionary dynamics of predator-prey coevolution: the case of antiphase cycles. Scientific Reports 7: 17125. Link

Weithoff G, Gaedke U (2017) Mean functional traits of lake phytoplankton reflect seasonal and inter-annual changes in nutrients, climate and herbivory. Journal of Plankton Research. Link.

Wickman J, Diehl S, Blasius B, Klausmeier CA, Ryabov AB, Brännström Å (2017) Determining selection across heterogeneous landscapes: A perturbation-based method and its application to modeling evolution in space. The American Naturalist. 189: 381-95. Link

Wohlgemuth D, Filip J, Hillebrand H, Moorthi SD (2017) Prey diversity effects on ecosystem functioning depend on species identity and food web structure. Oecologica 184: 653–661. Link

Wohlrab S, Selander E, John U (2017) Predator cues reduce intraspecific trait variability in a marine dinoflagellate. BMC Ecology, 17:8. Link

Wohlrab S, Tillmann U, Cembella A, John U (2017) Trait changes induced by species interactions in two phenotypically distinct strains of a marine dinoflagellate. The ISME Journal, 10: 2658-2668. Link


Acevedo-Trejo E, Brandt G, Smith SL, Merico A (2016) PhytoSFDM version 1.0.0: Phytoplankton Size and Functional Diversity Model. Geoscientific Model Development 9: 4071-4085. Link

Coutinho R, Klauschies T, Gaedke U (2016) Bimodal trait distributions with large variances question the reliability of trait-based aggregate models. Theoretical Ecology, 9: 389-408. Link

Grossmann L, D Beisser, C Bock, A Chatzinotas, M Jensen, A Preisfeld, R Psenner, S Rahmann, S Wodniok, J Boenigk (2016) Trade-off Between Taxon Diversity and Functional Diversity in European Lake Ecosystems. Molecular Ecology 25: 5876-5888. Link

Hodapp D, Hillebrand H, Blasius B, Ryabov AB (2016) Environmental and trait variability constrain community structure and the biodiversity‐productivity relationship. Ecology. 97: 1463-74. Link

Klauschies T, Vasseur DA, and Gaedke U (2016) Trait adaptation promotes species coexistence in diverse predator and prey communities. Ecology and Evolution 6: 4141-4159. Link.

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